From working in retail the past few years, I have realised just how big a problem shoplifting is to companies. I never knew that shoplifting is a very regular occurence in many shops - it makes you wonder how many dishonest people there are in society. In the past, when I had heard of people stealing from shops, I thought it was quite a rare thing to happen, and that it would mainly be petty theft by youngsters. However, there are many devious thieves who don't fit the stereotype at all - middle-aged women stealing leather jackets worth £100 for example. It is not always the youth who are to blame, although stores are more wary of their presence and focus their attention on the younger people, expecting them to be the next culprits.
Personally, I think that theft of any kind is wrong - it's committing a crime against other people, because whatever store you steal from, whether it be the local corner shop or a department store, it still effects the company, and therefore the staff and their wages. The less profit made in a shop due to theft, the less bonus the staff receive, despite it being no fault of their own.
However, I do not necessarily think it is wrong for a starving person for example, to steal a loaf of bread from a shop in order to survive. If 32p worth of stolen food saves a person's life, then I do not think it is as bad as someone stealing a pair of jeans to sell on the streets to make a bit of extra money. Shoplifting is stealing, and one of the Ten Commandments is "Do not steal," and by doing so, you are breaking this. By stealing, you are sinning and living a dishonest life.