Tuesday, 1 May 2007


Personally, I agree with smacking as a form of discipline to children, because more often than that, it is the best way to teach a child right from wrong. There has been a lot of media coverage on the matter in recent years, with the idea that the Government could pose a ban on smacking of all forms. I disagree with beating children or smacking them with anything other than your hand, because otherwise it is just a form of physical abuse, which can emotionally and mentally effect children, particularly in later years. The Government put into force a new law whereby if a child is smacked so hard it leaves a mark, then they could face jail, which I think is a good idea, because a child should not be violently smacked. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4175905.stm

I often see children misbehaving in public, with their parents either ignoring what they are doing or just telling them to be quiet. However, to behave in such a way is not acceptable, and if they continue to be naughty, they should be smacked so that they learn never to do it again, or at least not for a while anyway, because they will remember the pain it caused at the time. Most people I know were smacked at least once when they were younger, and the majority of these don't commit crimes or do things that could be classed as "bad" in society, proving that smacking does not necessarily harm children, but can actually benefit them. Smacking a child just demonstrates to them that the parent has the greater authority, and that they should respect that - the child cannot do or say whatever they feel like.

Similarly, I think that re-introducing the cane into schools would be a good idea, because there are so many young criminals and people with youths with ASBO's nowadays that giving them the cane at school could be giving them vital diescipline that they may not be getting at home, and them treating them a lesson. People need to have respect for one another, but in today's society, it seems to be rapidly diminishing.

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